The enterprise Kombainserviss is founded in 1992 on the base of former Selhoztehnik branch in Gulbene.

On the initial development stage our basic business was the supply of Russian harvester combines on Latvian market. The great experience and business contacts of one of the founders and long-term leader of the company Vasilij Zagoruiko let us in a short time to create the network of agricultural equipment service all over the country.
Presently basic activities of the company Kombainserviss are:
- sale of combine harvesters, loaders and other agricultural equipment;
- guarantee and post-guarantee service for agricultural equipment;
- freight forwarding services.
Kombainserviss is the official dealer of the "Tobroco Giant" company (NL), which is the Giant front loader manufacturer.
The machinery produced by our partners is so appropriate as if it is produced on request for Latvian farmers: the moist climate, frequent rains in a harvest period, "unevenness and roughness" of the fields, changeability of weather conditions practically has no influence on it.
Mission and strategy
Since the moment of foundation and until now the company Kombainserviss has maintained the initially chosen fields of activity. We continue to develop them; we add new services, thus doing the best to provide our customer with high-quality service.
Long-term strategy of Kombainserviss implies further strengthening of company positions in the market working upon three directions:
New generation agricultural equipment produced by the leading Russian and Eiropian manufacturers introducing to the Latvian market;
Providing fast and high-quality guarantee/post-guarantee service for the sold technique;
Offering qualitative freight forwarding services.
Purchase of machines in leasing or by using credits - that is with means of loan proceeds - is becoming more and more popular. For our main client, the Latvian farmer, such means of payment is now ordinary thing.
We understand very well that in most cases with the acquired equipment is more reasonable to settle payment in parts. The specialists of Kombainserviss have carefully studied offers from banks and leading leasing companies. We have asked their partnership and among many we have chosen those who were ready to give the most advantageous and flexible terms for the loan financing. Leasing companies we recommend to buyers of our products.

Supplying high-quality equipment to the Latvian market, Kombainserviss does all necessary in order to keep quality standard in the everyday work with its clients as well.
Such approach is expressed in the following manner:
- All manufacturers’ products to be sold perfectly correspond to Latvian climatic and geographical conditions;
- Individual approach to every customer inquiry is combined with maximal service efficiency. We understand how expensive are for farmers idle hours in hot time;
- The maintenance guarantee time for purchased equipment is two years. The service centres, where also it is possible to purchase or order spare details, are located in 16 districts of Latvia. If necessary our specialists carry out the equipment maintenance directly on the client’s site;
- Maintenance is provided at any weather – the Kombainserviss specialists react to the client request in 24 hours, and they do everything that depends on them (including preventative work) so that the machine could work without interruptions;
- In our everyday activity (whether in an office or shop, or a service centre) we follow quality standards by the international certificate system ISO;
- feedback from clients and partners is vitally important for us.
Our partners
Kombainserviss chooses its partners very carefully, since our approach relies on mutual commitment and long-term collaboration. We want to be absolutely sure in our partners in every detail – in fact the success of our work with clients depends on it.
In the range of our long-term partners are :
- Suppliers of agricultural machinery;
- Companies in 16 municipalities of Latvia with which we have concluded agreement about service and spare parts supply;
- Educational institutions (The Latvian Agricultural University and Agricultural Technical School of Priekuli), which students or graduating students do internship or get job in our company;
- Banks and leasing companies extending favourable terms to Kombainserviss clients.
Kombainserviss is a member of Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Dealers in Latvia (LTRTA).
Kombainserviss is a dynamically developing enterprise, therefore we constantly have a need in new labour. Kombainserviss has an agreement with the Latvian Agricultural University and Agricultural Technical School of Priekuli about offering apprenticeship to the students.
The part of employees of our enterprise consists of these educational schools graduates, this is because they made a decision to remain to work in Kombainserviss directly after their apprenticeship period had expired. We are interested our workers grow professionally and constantly perfection their skills and knowledge. For this purpose we organise regular trainings, courses and workshops for our staff, our partner companies - "Rostselmash" and Petersburg Tractor Factory willingly help us with it.
Participating in related product-oriented exhibitions is an obligatory constituent of our marketing policy. On these events present and potential clients of Kombainserviss are introduced with new models of the company products. We offer interested visitors all the necessary information and consultations. At our showcase they have a chance to encounter representatives of manufacturing factories, ask them questions and tell their wishes and recommendations. Such communication possibility is very important and usefully for us.
Participating in exhibitions allows our enterprise to show its competitive advantages and be in course of up to date tendencies and innovations on the agricultural market.
Kombainserviss regularly takes part in various exhibitions both in Latvia and abroad.